Friday, May 14, 2010

5.14 - Turn-In Abstract angles Project

mini-reflection - answer the following questions on your blog
  1. What did you like about shooting your first video?
  2. What was a strength of yours?
  3. Did that strength help your group?
  4. What was a challenge for you?
  5. How did you overcome that challenge?
  6. What would you change about this project?

If you began editing your video but DID NOT FINISH you must put your iMovie Project file BACK INTO THE "iMOVIE PROJECTS" folder on your desktop.

Here is s video demonstrating dragging your iMovie file back into the iMovie projects folder:

You must also reimport your clips. Before importing your clips, drag them to your desktop. If you try to import from your student server, you could be waiting all day!

When exporting, please use Quicktime to export and change the "default settings" to "broadband - medium." If you leave the export on default you could be waiting all day!

Part - 2
Answer at least 10 of the following questions on your blog based on the in-class movie:
  1. What did the first filmmakers do instead of editing?
  2. Edwin S. Porter is regarded as the founder of what art?
  3. Why do some editors not go on the movie set during filming?
  4. If a 2 hour movie uses 200 hours of unedited material, how much unedited material does a 5 minute movie use?
  5. Why did Stephen Spielberg’s editor cut so much of Jaws out?
  6. What lesson did James Cameron learn from Terminator 2?
  7. Who established the "grammar of film"? Name two of the techniques that he introduced to moviemaking?
  8. What is the "invisible cut"? How is it achieved?
  9. How did the first editors edit a film?
  10. The editor/director relation ship often is a struggle to achieve the right length of a film. The editor wants the film _______ and the director wants it to be ________.
  11. How did the editor of Election get his way? What was his way?
  12. What is Juxtaposition?
  13. While Americans were interested in telling bourgeoise stories, Russian filmmakers wanted to show ______.
  14. How can a bowl of soup, a coffin and a little girl change the meaning of a neutral expression? What is this technique called? (Hint: two possible answers.)
  15. Why did Eisenstien want to make the audience aware of the fact that they were watching a movie (the opposite of "invisible cutting")?
  16. James Cameron thinks an action scene should have what kind of build up?
  17. About how many “shots” does a typical movie have?
  18. With which organ does editor Didi Allen cut a film? Why do you think that is?
  19. What innovation brought more men to be involved in editing?
  20. Why did the movie Dante's Peak not use music in the underground scene?
  21. The ______ is responsible for finding the best performance of the actors.
  22. Usually actors aren't allowed into the editor’s cutting room? Why is that?
  23. When does Spielberg have a difficult time editing? Why?
  24. Editing is also called, "A dance of _____." Why do you think these are so important in movies?
  25. Why were movies so important to WW!!? What are these films called? What is an example of one of the German films of this type?
  26. Editing is often perceived as emotional _______-ion.
  27. What does a “2-shot” refer to? A “1-shot”? What about a “long-shot”?
  28. According to 1950s film grammar, what is a dissolve used for transitioning between?
  29. A "jump-cut" is seen in French filmmaker Jean-Luc Goddard's Breathless; what is a "jump cut"? How does it break the rule of the "invisible cut"?
  30. Which 1967 major American film “broke the rules” of editing that the Germans and Russians had earlier broken or disregarded?
  31. Why do you think Easy Rider was so widely accepted even though it was so difficult to understand?
  32. What does implicit mean? How is it used in movie making?
  33. What does intercutting mean? How is flash-back and flash-forward used? How does this fragment time and space?
  34. The movie XXX was influenced by which “-ism”?
  35. Why do some editors and directors think people of today need faster cutting? Why do some people worry about this trend?
  36. Slower cutting can provide what type of effect? What does that say about the “rhythm” of cuts?
  37. What does George Lucas mean when he says, “all art is technology?”
  38. Who creates the first final draft of a film?

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