Tuesday, November 17, 2009

11.17 - Shop Class

Warm-up - 15 min
1. Question of the day: What do you like about using Photoshop? What would you like to be able to do with this software? What is the most challenging thing about using photoshop?

2. Photo of the day

3. Vocabulary (write definitions and examples for each word):

  1. tools window
  2. history window
  3. character window
  4. move tool
  5. hand tool
  6. free transform
  7. layers window
  8. save for web and devices
  9. marquee tool
  10. lasso tool
  11. deselecting
  12. menu
  13. smudge tool
  14. liquify filter
  15. magic wand tool

Part 1: (dis)-Inspirational Poster (40-60 min)
(learning new tools and techniques to use in project)
We have all been to the dentist’s office, right? (If you haven’t you should go, you probably have a ton of cavities!) In those offices, hanging on the waiting room wall, you, I, somebody, often
finds inspirational messaged posters. We’ve probably all seen the "footprints" one. Or the cat on the tree with the phrase “hang in there.”

Here is a step by step video for you visual learners out there. (press play, fullscreen on the menu, it's 5 min long)

Now it’s your turn to join in on the fun. Follow these easy steps and don’t forget to make
a fun, funny, or really inspirational title and message!
  1. Open photoshop.
  3. Before you open your new document, change the background color to black
  4. Now, go open a new document
  5. Name your new document “inspirational poster”
  6. Choose “Web Document”
  7. Change background contents to “background color”
  8. Search for an image you want to use for your poster (try using different search terms or sites depending on your interest - remember this is for school! examples: funny animals, video game screenshots)
  9. Drag the FULL SIZE image from your Internet browser to your photoshop canvas
  10. Move your photo into the center using your move tool
  11. Make your image bigger or smaller using “Free Transform.” Press “enter” when you get your image the right size.
  12. Add a title - this should be short and give the reader the idea of what they are looking at.
  13. Open your Character window (at the right side of your top menu window>character. This gives you access to fonts and font colors.
  14. Choose white as your font color.
  15. Choose Times New Roman as your font.
  16. Use 50pt font and put CAPS LOCK on for your title.
  17. Center your title with the move tool.
  18. Back to the text tool, type in your message text below your title.
  19. Center your text with the mover tool.
  20. Change your font size to 18pt.
  21. Make your frame (the white line around the image) select your rectangle tool (2 tools below the text tool) from the toolbar.
  22. Choose black as your foreground color.
  23. Draw a rectangle around your image, it should be slightly bigger than your image on all sides.
  24. Move this new rectangle layer down on the layers stack, below the image (lower right corner of your screen).
  25. Right-click the rectangle layer (shape 1). Select “blending options”
  26. Check the last box, “stroke”. Click just to the right of the word stroke to bring up the options on the right-hand side.
  27. Set size to 1px
  28. Choose white as the color.
  29. Choose “outside” for the position.
  30. Press OK when done.
  33. UPLOAD IMAGE TO YOUR BLOG. Title “Inspirational Poster”

Part 2: For those finished with the poster here is a "Speed Review" - 45 min
(reinforce the technical knowledge necessary to using photoshop and completing project)
We are only going to get good at using photoshop if we practice! Budget your time here wisely. When you finish part 1, export and move on to part 2.

All three parts should be posted to your blog as "review 1,2,3."

Part 1 (15min)
Review layers, fill and color selection by creating a custom shoe.
(download the shoe form this link: CLICK HERE!)

Part 2 (15min)
Review layer masks and color balance
Use today's photo of the day and change the hair color. I love highlights!

Part 3 (15min)
Review liquifying, brush size, brush hardness, brush flow, brush opacity, layer masking, brightness/contrast, blur tool. Use the following photo:

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