Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1.12.10 - The End of the Beginning

Warm-Up: Survey (30min)

Please answer the following questions and send to me in an email. You don't have to copy the questions but please number your responses.

my email address is: morgan@envisionacademy.org

  1. What did you enjoy most about DMA this semester?
  2. What did you dislike the most?
  3. What were the expectations that you had for this class? Did it live up to those expectations?
  4. What is the most important thing you learned in this class?
  5. What is something that you did or learned that wasn’t important?
  6. What are you good at in DMA?
  7. What could you improve on?
  8. What could your teacher improve on?
  9. What do you wish this class did more of?
  10. What do you wish this class did less of?
  11. Do you find this class harder or easier than other classes? What makes it that way?
  12. Were there any assignments that were difficult for you? What about the assignment made it difficult?
  13. What do you think of blogging? Is it something that you would consider doing outside of class?
  14. What do you think of computerized testing? Is it easier or harder than paper based? Why?
  15. Did you turn in any late work this year? Why did you turn it in late? Please be specific.
  16. What is something that you would like to see in future DMA classes?
  17. What is something that you would like to see removed from future DMA classes?
  18. Do you think you are more skilled on a computer than when you started this class? Why do do you think that is?
  19. Please write any other comments you have here.

Part 2 - Announcement (5 min)

No work accepted after Tuesday. Furthermore, the only thing that can be handed in at this point is your final project and its reflection. If you have not exported your final exam yet please do so NOW.

Moreover, I am not planning on waiting for people to show up after school so if you need some help please make an appointment.

Part 3 - the portfolio (45 min)
We are DMA so we should be able to help those actors and painters upload and submit their work. All of your projects should go into the online portfolio, whether or not you wish to use them for your BGP!


distribute usernames + passwords
  1. log-in
  2. change password to something that you already use or is easy to remember
  3. Add profile photo (your photo of the day, or similar professional image)
  4. create a new artifact (name: Top 5 Technologies Prezi, Sanburg-Jacobs M., Express Creatively, 2009)
  5. Write a one sentence description of the project ( e.g. "A zooming presentation of the top five most influential technologies in my file.")
  6. Copy and paste second draft of reflection to reflection box.
  7. Attach a link to your prezi to this artifact
Use any remaining time to study or complete missing assignments. See you at success day!

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