Friday, January 8, 2010

1.8.10 Study to Win

Warm Up - 10 min
QOTD: How much time are you dedicating to studying for your finals? When are you going to study? Where are you going to study? How long can you study before you need a break? What are some things that distract you from studying? What are some of your study methods and techniques?

Share out study techniques - 5min

Study Groups - 15 min
Form 5 groups of 4-5
Each group gets 1 sheet of questions. Download here:

Groups uses the 15 min to obtain the correct answers.

Presentations - 5 x 5 min 25 min
One representative will present the correct answers to the group
Record each groups answers

Drop a copy of your study sheet in my drop box. Name it “YOUR NAME_TEST ANSWERS”

Work Check In - 20 min
Complete work from your assignment list to earn the highest possible grade. Any work turned in after Monday January 11th will not be accepted!

Jeopardy! 35 min
A DMA version of the classic. Always a fun way to regurgitate material.

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