Friday, April 30, 2010

4.30 - Kuleshov Effect

Warm-Up (10 min)
POTD, Take an uninflected photo of yourself.
Use the following vocabulary word in an example sentence.
Uninflected: Not changing in intonation, pitch or style.

Action Montage Vs. Soviet Montage (15 min)

Action montages compress time

Soviet montage compresses meaning.

That is, when juxtaposing two images we create a new meaning or A+B = C. If image A is a pumpkin and image B is a piece of candy we may think of a third meaning (Halloween). Or an image of a woman looking blankly into the camera followed by an image of a delicious meal, we automatically combine these two images into a third meaning (the woman’s hunger). For us to interpret this hunger, the woman does not have to “look hungry.” Instead, if she simply is neutral or blank, the audience will put this meaning into the images.
It is the juxtaposition of images that tells the story, or rather, allows the audience to tell the story.

Cutting Edge Clip (5 min)
see netflix

Kuleshov Effect Montage A+B=C
Create your own example of the Kuleshov Effect. Combine an image of yourself (uninflected) and an image of your choice. Use fades in and out between the sets of emotions. Warning: you will have to think about what these words mean to you!

  1. Hunger
  2. Fear
  3. Longing
  4. Disgust
  5. Sympathy
  6. Stress
  7. Boredom
  8. Anger
  9. Envy
  10. Happiness
  11. Tired
  12. Crazed
  13. Silly
  14. Sorrow
  15. Shock

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

4.27 - We Need A Montage!

Warm-Up (15 min)

Write an example sentence using the following vocabulary words.
Montage: is a technique in film editing in which a series of short shots are edited into a sequence to condense space, time, and information. It is usually used to suggest the passage of time, rather than to create symbolic meaning as it does in Soviet montage theory.

Juxtaposition: Placing of two things side by side to compare or contrast. In film, this is done by editing two different clips; these clips, when juxtaposed, then make a third meaning.

Watching our lyrics videos (5 min)

Metric Montage
What is it? timing/length based

Examples (10 min)
Eisenstien, Karate Kid, Team America,

How can we do it? (brief tutorial 10 min)

What do we need? (intro sheet)
Collect images and music

Making a still image montage (60 min)
1. Choose a topic (use the list on your desktop)
2. Brainstorm search terms (for finding images)
3. Download 20+ high quality images
4. Use a song that will complement your images
5. drag mp3 to iMovie
6. Use drag images to iMovie timeline
7. Use your editing techniques to edit the images on beat.
8. Export and drop in drop box

Friday, April 23, 2010

4.23 - SUBs DUE

Warm-Up (15 min)
If you have not completed you subtitle video, place the folder on your desktop and export immediately.

In watching the BG presentations what was one thing you were impressed with? What was one thing that you learned? What will you do differently when you present?
Subtitle: The words in the lower portion of the screen translating or transcribing dialogue of the video. Can be used to increase accessibility of hearing impaired or to translate other languages.

Complete Subtitle Work

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

4.14 - Vocabulary is very..

Warm-Up (5 min)
Open Server and place your iMovie file on your desktop.
Titles: Words that appear in a video or movie.
Transitions: Effects between visual elements.
Import: To process something in. Often this changes the original format of the media
Export: To process something out. Often this changes the format of the original media.

A note about the word editing window (5 min)
Only use as many lines as you wish to appear at a given time. Partially filled out, or even blank lines will cause your subtitles to move to quickly or reduce the size of your font.

Continue Subtitling (30 min)
Get your iMovie File on your desktop and continue subtitling! BEGIN SAVING TO YOUR STUDENT SERVER BEFORE CLASS ENDS

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4.13 - Subtitles 4 Songs

warm up (10 min)
QOTD: have you ever made a movie? have you ever wanted to? if you had the chance what kind of video would you make? what kind have you made?

Editing Subtitles (70 min)
As an introduction to video editing and montage, let’s start with creating a subtitled video! This will take timing and patience with the iMovie interface. Save often!

you will need the following:
- 1 song with lyrics (searching youtube on google and using may be of assistance)
- 1, or more, image of the band/artist or just images that capture or represent the mood of the song (try a google image search)
- much patience

Download an mp3 version of your song (10 min)
- a song that you love that has lyrics (it doesn’t have to have a lot of lyrics, just some)
remember if you spend too much time searching, your computer may freeze, or, you may loose youtube rights.
- drag your mp3 from your downloads folder to a new folder on the desktop, call the folder “SUBS”

Open iMovie HD (5 min)
- you should be able to find iMovie HD on your dock or use you spotlight search to locate
name your project “SUBS_YOUR NAME”
- save to your desktop “SUBS” folder

The iMovie HD interface (5 min)
- Timeline
- Monitor
- Editing Window
- Controls

Add your audio (5 min)
drag your mp3 file to your timeline
notice the waveform!

Editing Window (5 min)
  1. Clips - access your images and video clips that have ben imported
  2. Themes - some pre-made shells that make your video look like every other video made by someone in 2008
  3. Media - access the computers garageband, itunes and iphoto media
  4. Chapters - add chapter markers for skilling around your video

Editing (10 min)
  1. Audio Effects - change the sound of your audio
  2. Video Effects - select a clip and click the check to apply the effect
  3. Transitions - add movement or effects between visual clips
  4. Titles - create titles and subtitles.

Titles (10 min)
  1. choose style of titles
  2. choose direction of text
  3. choose color of text
  4. (+, -) choose how much text you want to add
  5. fill in boxes with lyrics
  6. choose font
  7. speed = choose length
  8. over black = add a black background to your subtitle

Friday, April 9, 2010

4.9 - Reflection and Turn-In

Warm - Up (10 min)
Is your hero’s portrait saved as a JPG? If not, open your photoshop document and save for web and devices as a JPG. We will need it to make our movie!

Turning In (5 min)
Today you will be turning in the following:
Hero’s Theme Garageband File
and MP3 version of the song
a movie version of the song
Please put these three documents in a folder and name the folder

Making the song into a movie (15 min)
  1. Open your Hero’s Theme Song from your desktop.
  2. Use “Share” to export your song or podcast to disk; save the MP3 to your desktop.
  3. Open iMovie (NOT iMovie HD!)
  4. Drag your MP3 into the project window (your cursor will turn into a green plus when it’s ready to drop). You should see a green rectangle with a musical note on it.
  5. Drag your JPG image onto the green rectangle; again, your cursor will turn into a green plus when it’s time to drop.
  6. Click on the cog, or gear in the lower left corner of your image. Click on “clip adjustments;” change the “duration” to 60. Press the space bar to preview.
  7. To save as a video go to “Share” > “Export Movie Using Quicktime” > Broadband - Medium
  8. Save as “HERO’S THEME _ YOUR NAME” to your desktop.

Reflection (60 min)
Reflect on the process of creating your Hero’s Theme Song project. Respond to the following questions in essay form. Please write in full sentences and answer ALL questions. You do not need to make the answers equal in length or answer them in order. THIS DRAFT SHOULD FLOW AS AN ESSAY NOT AS A COLLECTION OF QUESTIONS.

1. Minimum - 300 words
2. Detailed and personal responses
First draft posted on blog by end of day

If you and a peer finish before the end of the period, exchange papers to do peer review of spelling and grammar.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

4.7 - Maximize your Grade

Warm-Up (10 min)
Using the Hero’s Theme Song Rubric (on your desktop) find something that you can do today to improve your grade (I will be using this rubric to grade your theme songs!).

Work It! (30 min)
Complete the task you assigned yourself during the warm-up.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

4.6 - help a friend in need

Warm-Up (10 min)
What has been your biggest challenge in completing the Hero's Theme project? What is something that you could do to help? What is something your teacher could do to help?
warm feedback: elements of a project that you like.

cool feedback: elements of a project that you think could be improved

Peer Review (30 min)
Use the Hero’s Theme rubric and warm and cool feedback to help your classmate.
Please give feedback to the one or two people you are sitting next to. When you have completed the rubric put both of your names on it and turn it into the teacher’s drop box.

Revisions (50 min)
Use this time to make any revisions specified on your peer-review rubrics.

Reflection (10 min)
Use the last 10 minutes of class to save your work and thoughtfully answer one or more of the following questions on your blog:
What did you learn today?
What is one thing that went well today and what made it go well?
What is one thing that went badly today and what could have made it go better?
What did you succeed at today?
What do you need to improve on for next class?
What questions do you have for your teacher?
What suggestions do you have for your teacher to make class better?