Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4.13 - Subtitles 4 Songs

warm up (10 min)
QOTD: have you ever made a movie? have you ever wanted to? if you had the chance what kind of video would you make? what kind have you made?

Editing Subtitles (70 min)
As an introduction to video editing and montage, let’s start with creating a subtitled video! This will take timing and patience with the iMovie interface. Save often!

you will need the following:
- 1 song with lyrics (searching youtube on google and using video2mp3.net may be of assistance)
- 1, or more, image of the band/artist or just images that capture or represent the mood of the song (try a google image search)
- much patience

Download an mp3 version of your song (10 min)
- a song that you love that has lyrics (it doesn’t have to have a lot of lyrics, just some)
remember if you spend too much time searching, your computer may freeze, or, you may loose youtube rights.
- drag your mp3 from your downloads folder to a new folder on the desktop, call the folder “SUBS”

Open iMovie HD (5 min)
- you should be able to find iMovie HD on your dock or use you spotlight search to locate
name your project “SUBS_YOUR NAME”
- save to your desktop “SUBS” folder

The iMovie HD interface (5 min)
- Timeline
- Monitor
- Editing Window
- Controls

Add your audio (5 min)
drag your mp3 file to your timeline
notice the waveform!

Editing Window (5 min)
  1. Clips - access your images and video clips that have ben imported
  2. Themes - some pre-made shells that make your video look like every other video made by someone in 2008
  3. Media - access the computers garageband, itunes and iphoto media
  4. Chapters - add chapter markers for skilling around your video

Editing (10 min)
  1. Audio Effects - change the sound of your audio
  2. Video Effects - select a clip and click the check to apply the effect
  3. Transitions - add movement or effects between visual clips
  4. Titles - create titles and subtitles.

Titles (10 min)
  1. choose style of titles
  2. choose direction of text
  3. choose color of text
  4. (+, -) choose how much text you want to add
  5. fill in boxes with lyrics
  6. choose font
  7. speed = choose length
  8. over black = add a black background to your subtitle

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