Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2.10.10 - Peer Review

Warm-Up - 10 min

Have you ever done a peer review before? If so, what assignment was it for? What was helpful about it? What wasn't helpful? What do you think it means to be specific, helpful and friendly?

Part 1 - Review a Partner's Project (2 x 15 min)
Use the rubric to grade a partner's project. You will need to look at their project, their article and their citations.
Here is the rubric:

1. Write the name of the reviewer (the one giving advice) and the name of the reviewee (the person showing the project), at the top of the page.
2. Follow the three categories to check off how the reviewee did.
3. Write any additional comments on the bottom; this can be very helpful to the reviewee.
4. The reviewee should take a screenshot (CMND + SHIFT + 4) and post to their blog. Write "Peer Review NAME OF REVIEWER" in the caption.
5. Repeat these steps once to get two peer reviews by the end of the day.

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