Friday, February 5, 2010

2.5.10 - Feedback for Second Draft

Warm-up (10 min)
Look at you rough draft, how does each image tell the story of your article?
Do certain images need to be focused on?

Part 1 - timeline (5 min)

Part 2 - feedback on your rough drafts (65 min)
Student who submitted their rough drafts on time and complete will recieve feedback first.
If you have not yet met the minimum requirements (see rubric) please update your rough draft with the minimums.

Part 3 - 2nd Draft work time
once you have recieved feedback on your rough draft begin working on your 2nd draft. Your second draft s due at the end of our next class. The expectation for your scone draft is the comments and criticisms from today's rough draft feedback sssion will be implemented in this 2nd draft.

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